I didn't know I could have a friend like You. I didn't think that I deserved it.
There's so much we don't know about communion - whichever one we're talking about. It's defined as: Intimate fellowship or rapport, a body of Christians having a common faith and discipline, and a Christian sacrament in which bread and wine are consumed as memorials of Christ's death or as symbols for the realization of a spiritual union between Christ and communicant or as the body and blood of Christ.
I read a book on Communion by Beni Johnson and really learned a lot. I've seen communion services done very well at a couple of churches - detailed and not rote.
It's still an area with much to learn. So I really appreciate this song.
Back to You are closer, closer than my skin.
Here's where the dead things come back to living, I feel my heart beating again. Oh how many dead things we carry around. Some we need to just let go and bury. But some we need to let God breathe on and bring them back to life.
It feels so good to know you are my friend.
I don't have to prove a thing - You've already approved of me. How healing is that idea?
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