While these posts are based on thoughts I've pondered over time about these songs, for these posts, I simply put on my headphones, listen to the song and write what comes to mind.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Prophesy Your Promise - Jesus Culture

I have found You in the middle of my mess.  You have been there all along.  With open arms and open heart You call me in.  And You didn't hesitate at all. 

When I only see in part I will prophesy Your promise.  I believe You God.  Because You finish what You start,  I will trust You with the process.  I believe You God. 

Fear can go to hell, shame can go there too.  Because I know whose I am, God I belong You.

My only confidence is in God.  It's certainly not in me - I know me.  Ha.  He hasn't let me have confidence in others.  That's tough.  It's not in circumstances - how could it be, they are ever changing.  He's my rock, my firm foundation.  Man it's hard.  

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