While these posts are based on thoughts I've pondered over time about these songs, for these posts, I simply put on my headphones, listen to the song and write what comes to mind.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Don't Tread On Me - We The Kingdom

Oh no, you've done it now, gone against the King, gone against the Crown.  Oh no, you've done it now, time to feel the fire.

Ain't no devil gonna tread on me.  He's choking on the blood that ran down the tree.  Ain't no devil gonna tread on me. 

I don't remember exactly when I first heard this, it was within the last few months, but it really caught my attention.  It was good to feel fed up with Satan.  I'm increasingly fed up with Satan.  I don't generally like to give him too much credit or attention, but he is out to kill, steal from, or destroy me.  So sometimes it's good to take that personally and then remind him of his own defeat.

I absolutely love the chocking on the blood that ran down the tree line.  It hits me every time.  I know there's power in the blood of Jesus - but I also know there's so much more understanding of it that I need. 

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