While these posts are based on thoughts I've pondered over time about these songs, for these posts, I simply put on my headphones, listen to the song and write what comes to mind.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Anything Is Possible - Dante Bowe

Every battle You've already won.

There is no weapon that has ever left a mark on You.

There is a Kingdom that's advancing to the speed of light.

This is another one that's fun to sing - on a good day.  On a bad day it can be a challenge.  On a bad day I'm looking at that list of things that still look impossible.  One of those impossibles is my parents' health.  I pray for their healing - physical, mental, all of it.  Dad's alzheimer's is steadily progressing.  Mom has good and bad times, but her mind isn't right either.  And I have a vision of them both totally healed and me having to explain why I sold their house and now we have to find them a new one.  And there's a part of me that has faith for that.  And yet... 

There are hundreds of beliefs about God and healing and all that.  I know He's a God who heals.  I know sickness is never from God.  I believe with all my heart there are cures coming soon for so many things - including Alzheimer's.  Will it be in time?  Don't know.  Can Jesus walk into their room at anytime and simply heal them.  Absolutely. 

And so I sing.  And I trust.  And I worship the God of the impossible. 

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