While these posts are based on thoughts I've pondered over time about these songs, for these posts, I simply put on my headphones, listen to the song and write what comes to mind.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Voice of God - Dance By Jamal Midgette

Yesterday youtube put this version of this song in my feed, and I'm so so glad it did.  It's an amazing song in and of itself.  God is always speaking.  He speaks in so many different ways so anyone and everyone can hear Him.  

I've always been a music person.  I'm not a graceful or athletic person.  I'm white through and through when it comes to dancing.  But over the past decade I've come to appreciate dance in a very real way.  It is the most basic and honest form of art - done with our bodies, our selves.  Our church has a dance troupe and it just adds another dimension to worship.  So this young man's performance to this song really touches me.  

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