While these posts are based on thoughts I've pondered over time about these songs, for these posts, I simply put on my headphones, listen to the song and write what comes to mind.

Friday, April 16, 2021

All The Playlists!

Getting Ready was the last worship song in my current playlist for now.  I have another playlist where I add new songs to listen to until I feel like adding them to the current playlist.  I actually have several playlists in you tube, plus a few downloaded albums.  I don't like the impermanence of things on you tube, but Apple made it too much trouble to go from iTunes to Apple Music.  I miss the simplicity of iPods. 

Anyway.  Noah has always had a playlist of songs he likes.  I think we're on the fourth iteration of secular music for him.  But I also made a new playlist for him of more upbeat Christian music. That's our go to drive to school music.  He also loves all the music associated with Roblox - so I try to play the better stuff when I can. 

I have a playlist of some of the 90s Christian music I listened to back then.  Bands like Skillet and Third Day and DC Talk.  Listening to them over the past year or two, I realized just how deep and on point a lot of their lyrics are.  And they're still fun to blast while driving on a sunny day. 

Last but not least (for now) is my old worship playlist.  Years ago, probably more than a decade, I gave away all my Christian cds - bands and worship.  Of course now I wish I hadn't.  (Hence why I started these playlists of older things.)  I'm sure there are dozens of songs I don't remember at all from my church days in the 90s.  But a few were stuck in my head in my non church days.  So I think I'm going to do a few of them as song of the day.

All the playlists are linked right there on the right.  

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