While these posts are based on thoughts I've pondered over time about these songs, for these posts, I simply put on my headphones, listen to the song and write what comes to mind.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Freight Train - Lindy Conant

 You're love is like a freight train - it keeps on coming, cannot stop it.

I cannot run away from Your unfailing love.

Wow. A few themes will emerge as I write about all these songs. God's love is at the top of the list. It's literally where everything starts. For God so loved the world. That's it. That's His motivation for everything. God IS love. Love is His only motivation. He pours His love out on us relentlessly. History is just His love story.

The old phrase "you can run but you can't hide" comes to mind. Where can we go God is not there? The universe exists within Him.  

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